Master of Science

Programme Overview

The two-year master programme in Mathematics has been the department’s flagship teaching programme, since its inception in 1947. On an average, about 450 students secure admission to this programme every year across the North and the South Campuses. The course has been designed in a manner so that the students gain an in-depth knowledge of a broad range of topics and produce students with a good-firm background in both theoretical and applied mathematics. 

The programme comprises of 18 courses to be taught over 4 semesters and in 2 years. In the first two semesters, the focus is on core courses. In the last two semesters, the students have the option to choose courses from a pool of choices. In total, the students have to do eight elective courses along with two open elective courses in the third and fourth semesters. The curriculum of the programme has evolved continuously in tune with the changing contours of the discipline with recent advances.

Structure of the Programme

Beginning the academic year, the following courses are taught:


Each core and elective (open elective) course will carry 100 (50) marks and have two components: Internal Assessment 30 (15) marks and End-Semester Examination 70 (35) marks.

Guidelines for the Award of Internal Assessment Marks

30 (15) marks are allocated for Internal Assessment in each Core and Elective (Open Elective offered by the Department of Mathematics) paper. Of this, 20 (10) marks will be based on in-house examinations, with a common question paper across sections, while 10 (5) marks are for evaluation by individual teachers in each Core and Elective (Open Elective offered by the Department of Mathematics) paper. This evaluation may be done by the teacher via class tests, assignments, presentations, viva-voce etc.



66% attendance in lectures required to appear for the end semester examination while 50% attendance for the in-house examination. Students availing medical leave are required to submit the medical certificate to the concerned teacher within a week of joining back after availing the medical leave.

©2024 Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi

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